> > BTW: On the CD with QLT the Net articles were both on the part II
> > directory (part I being empty)
> >

oh well, while we are on the subject of 'monumental cock-ups' (grin) on the CD, 
here's another :

The stuff I converted to DocBook are not actually in DocBook format contrary to 
the editorial in the magazine and on the readme on the CD. The Assembler series 
and the MC6800x reference I mean.

These were converted to DocBook and from that, the HTML files on the disc were 
generated. The files on CD are in HTML, not DocBook.

In addition, Geoff, I have *almost* got a working Sudoku generator giving the 
options of easy, medium, hard and bloody hell - I even generate an unsolvable 
grid with only 4 blank spaces :o)

Watch this space .....................


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