> On the separate matter, Dilwyn need not apologise for faults in the QL 
> Documentation CD. It has been very much appreciated by the readers and there 
> is so much information on it that it was inevitable there would be a few 
> faults.

I agree. That's why I had a smiley on my posting where I mentioned that the 
files in some of my contributions were not in DocBook format but in HTML.

In addition, I do recognise the amount of work that Dilwyn et al put into 
producing QL Today (oik, not so much Dilwyn now!) and the cover discs/CDs - as 
a (forcibly) retired Quanta Librarian of many years, I know exactly how much of 
a PITA it is copying discs all day every day.

Like most things in life, you never hear anything from anyone when you do a 
good job, but as soon as you make one small error, the world dumps on you.


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