David Tubbs wrote:

>  >One of my contacts using freeserve,co,uk is having terrible trouble.
>  >Approximately 50% of her emails get filtered out somewhere in transit.
> As you see, I use same, and Wanadoo ISP, they don't remove spam, just mark 
> it. Very little gets under and a tiny number of false positives. And they 
> do kill virus attachments neither can members send them.

I've had quite a few false positives - filtering on my old .fsnet eaddr was 
easy as I used the 'user' bit (see below) - and a few false negatives as 
well; though I believe you are supposed to be able to submit mail to the 
filter(s) for your account so that it/they can learn - never used it.

>>My ISP does absolutely nothing other than spend £100,00 plus to cope
>>with the spam traffic.  That is fine by me - I would rather be in
>>control of my own filters.
> A friend was on Pipex tried to set own filters, some 200 or so, all to 
> little avail,  viagra is potent stuff,
> A periodic change of address might seem the easiest cure.

That is a hassle, but that's exactly what I've had to do (and lose a nice 
eaddr in the process).  I was checking my old e-domian until the end of last 
year, mainly for statistical reasons, but just in case I had forgotten to 
tell someone; it is now filling and will soon be bouncing spam as it has run 
out of disk space.

Once an eaddr has been changed, the next thing to do is to be sure to whom 
the eaddr is given or exposed.  Since changing, I've received a couple of 
spam which I think were received because the email-domain (wanadoo & 
freeserve give you a e-domain) was harvested from a publicly archived 
mailing list - I no longer involve myself in debates on that list, but send 
any comments directly.

Having an e-domain also has its advantages in that I provide a separate 
eaddr (different [EMAIL PROTECTED]) to everyone who needs an eaddr and am then 
to filter on the 'user' part to separate the email into folders.

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