Hello Tony,

>>Well, actually, it was 20 years ago tomorrow, but why wait..
>Sorry, you snipped the context.
>What was 20 years tomorrow

Sorry about that, it was a reply to a thread on the list about a person
getting their QL 20 years ago. Hence...

>>I also got my QL then.
>>It allowed me to learn how to program in assembler, helped me with MSc project
>>(the MSc course used a 68000 board for the robotics stuff and I used the QL as
>>a development platform, writing a subset of the QDOS system calls for the
>>68000 board to ease the development) and was a lovely machine to program. I
>>see that another subscriber to this list is Robert Newson. Do you still use my
>>old terminal emulator program?
>Which one was that? I was heavily involved with Tony Price's QuaLsoft
>Terminal in the 80s/90s.
>This spawned my BBS which is still running (see below)!

Oh, it was actually an emulator of an emulator I wrote that I think only
Robert Newson ever used. I wrote it over the summer of '87 after finding that
the previous version written in SuperBASIC couldn't even cope with 300baud.

It emulated the University College London BBC Terminal Emulator which itself
emulated a DEC VT52 and Tektronix T4010 with the addition of BBC *FX commands.

Of course, the overworked keyboard/sound/serial receive chip in the QL was the
biggest bane as there would be constant lost data at anything above about
2400baud. The second biggest bane was that QDOS couldn't throw characters at
the screen fast enough for anything more than about 600baud, which meant that
I had to have a big receive buffer, which often filled (mostly 'cos I never
got around to implementing a ring-buffer).

Nostalgia isn't as good as it used to be.

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