As per my prior note, it turns out that there were two related bugs  
discovered.  Tonight I am releasing 1.02r for QDT to fix these.  In  
addition, there is a nice bonus speed improvement during the QDT  
startup (thanks Marcel).

For those who have requested 1.01r updates directly from me, I am  
sending the update directly to them by email.  For all the other  
users, you can either get it from your distributers or you can  
download it from the QDT website.  The download location is expected  
to be on line by the end of Thursday evening.

IMPORTANT: this update is only available for those who already have  
1.01r installed.  Users with 1.00r must contact their distributer or  
email a request (see the website) for 1.01r BEFORE installing 1.02r.   
Putting this onto 1.00r or 1.00d will break QDT.

This is only a partial install this time.  Do NOT do a full install.   
If you do not see the Update option, then please contact me before  
proceeding.  (this is not expected but just in case)  A full install  
with this copy will remove critical files and prevent QDT from running.

And before anyone complains :) about the progress bar skipping,  
another time crunch.  I wanted to get this mailed out tonight and it  
is 1:30 in the morning.  This is also the reason that I did not get  
added in version checking and other install safeties.  The real job  
awaits in about 6 hours...

The website link is:

Please follow the link in the latest news direct to the download page  
(again, going live Thursday night at the latest).  A link for  
information on the email request for the required 1.01r is also in  
the Latest News section at the top of the main page.


A few other notes:

1) FileManager work is continuing but I ran into some technical  
issues and resulting delays.  Work progresses and it is coming but I  
have a big trip coming up that will keep it from happening this month  
- my apologies.

2) For those still thinking about buying QDT, please remember that  
the price does go up with the distributers in just a few more days  
(Feb 10th).  There will be no extension to this introductory pricing  
as the upcoming updates will continue to be supplied at no charge.

3) For those who helped find and isolate the bugs - thanks for your  


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