----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dilwyn Jones" <>
To: "QL Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2006 10:28 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] QL disk transfer

> 4. Once you've transferred the archived QDOS Unzip to QL system, how
> to unpack it when you don't have an unzip (the Chicken and Egg
> situation)! (i.e. explain Jonathan's
> self-extract routines in simpler terms and what to do when it stops
> halfway through self-extraction when you have to type in commands to
> get it going again)

Just another point on this discussion. No disrespect to Jonathan intended, 
but his is the last site I would send someone to who knows nothing about QL 
unzipping. It is just too technical for most of us. That is why I prefer the 
old fashioned method of just sending the enquirer a disk. Once he has that 
unzipping is usually no problem at all - just a couple of commands to learn.

The big problems come, as Dilwyn says, when the enquirer has a system that 
cannot read and write to PC disks. This is a nightmare situation and you 
almost have to tailor your advice to the individual according to technical 
knowledge, apparatus and available software. Fortunately most people who 
download have upgraded to QPC2 and this is much less a problem than it was 

Best Wishes,


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