Fabrizio Diversi wrote:
> I have in my sbasic prog the following lines :
> 1340 DIM mes$(3,num_msg-1,80)
> ....
> 3500 MAWDRAW  #ch%,1,mes$,0,0,,sep%
> the problem is that as soon as the variable "num_msg"
> become bigger than the value of 480 , Mawdraw does not
> display anythings.
> Does exist a limit about the numer of array items that
> mawdraw can display ?

I can offer no solution, only more confusion.
There is a limit for WMAN and thus for MAWDRAW of 32K menu items, in your  
case of 4 columns by 480 rows this is well within the limits.

In my Suqcess program I can have an array of 500 or more rows, so the 480  
is not the problem.
My tests point the finger at the 80 characters per item. When I have an  
array of 9 columns with 500 rows and 78 chr, all is well, but making that  
80 chrs and the display is a mess. What I see in the cell has no relation  
to what should be there.
This display mess does not happen with QPTR (I tried a 3 by 500 by 120  
array) so MAWDRAW seems the culprit.
Of course the bigger the array, the more memory is needed and it takes  
more time to process.

We need answers from someone with inside knowledge of MAWDRAW.
(Could that be Marcel K.?)

Bob Spelten

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