In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Rick Chagouri-Brindle 

>> As a more recent returnee to the QL scene, I don't know if you feel
>> the same, that after using PCs all day at work it's nice to come home
>> to a QL for a change :-)
>Definitely!  In fact, for me, I think one of the attractions of
>retro-computing is that it is more of a challenge. My PCs  at work and
>home - both Kubuntu Linux workstations dual-booting with WindowsXP
>aren't much of a challenge any more . . .

Umm ... with all that "gear", Rick, you are going to enjoy QL emulators 
when you get around to it ... :-)

I agree that retro-computing is still fun though. With original 

If you need any items then let me know.  I help to organise the London 
QL and Quanta Group, and we have a growing collection of hardware, 
software, etc.

Worth also looking up Rich Mellor's web site :

He has second-user items for sale there. We as a Group use this service 
to sell items.  As do Quanta.

You may also be interested in the QWord game - which comes on a CD and 
just loads on to PC.

Other sites to check out Roy Woods QBranch :

Jochen Mertz site :

Then, of course, Dilwyns site is full of information :

Well, that lot should get you interested for a start ... :-) ... there 
are lots more .....

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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