I would presume that Easel just stores the graphics in mode 4 format by  
default, but when creating the pointer environment area save file, it  
looks up the current mode - finds it is mode 32 and puts that in the  
header.  However, as it does not recognise mode 32, it still stores a mode  
4 file.

I am surprised it manages to handle mode 8 to tell you the truth, as does  
it not only support the 4 colours anyway??

Rich Mellor
RWAP Services

On Sun, 06 Aug 2006 16:22:20 +0100, Dilwyn Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> Based on feedback received about my BMP program so far, can anyone
> help me with information about Easel graphics?
> Easel has a screen dump facility and can generate saved pictures using
> the PRINT command, option S for save image to file and the file
> generated seems to depend on what filename extension you give it:
> PIC or SCR seems to generate a 32K screen file
> CUT seems to generate a pointer environment area save file 10 bytes
> longer than a screen file (that is, a screen with a 10 byte header at
> the start of the file). It only seems to work in mode 4 though. If I
> save a CUT in mode 32 on QPC2 from Xchange Easel it seems to generate
> a header of a mode 32 file, but then proceeds to put a mode 4 picture
> after it, which confuses graphics programs because they see the
> header, try to load it as a mode 32 and it all goes belly up.
> I'm not sure if I'm going about this correctly since I've never really
> tried saving Easel graphics before!
> So, what (if anything) am I doing wrong, or is just that Easel doesn't
> really know how to handle correctly anything other than mode 4 and
> mode 8?

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