Dilwyn Jones writes:

>> PS Still puzzled re; diff between O.S. and 'platform' in our recent
>> context.
>> :(
> The operating system (QDOS or Windows) is that which is running your
> programs and making sure all the hardware bits and pieces of your
> computer work properly (or not as the case may be).
> The 'platform' in this context means the computer hardware on which
> the operating system being used is based. Thus if you are running QPC2

I dont see it like that. For me the platform is the QL hardware or QL 
emulator the QL OS is running on. Ie QL, Q60, QPC2, uQLx are all platforms. 
In the case of emulators, that platform would again be be running on a host 
platform, such as a PC, under a host OS such as Linux or Windows.


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