
I have just received QLToday Vol 11, Issue 2.

Reading Dilwyn's article on Colour Themes has reminded me that Wolfgang 
Uhlig's QCoCo is indeed the easy way to apply a colour theme. Yet there 
is a delay in effect, as it is only subsequent actions that "Apply" the 
new colour scheme.

That is when you click on "Apply", nothing appears to have happened.

The action required is to close the existing "window" of the 
application, and to re-open it - then the new colour theme is applied.

I tend to use the "gold theme", as this fits in with the default choice 
of Tim Hunkins's QDT.

Question for Dilwyn - how do you set a colour theme in Launchpad ?  You 
make a brief mention of it in the article, yet with no example of how.

The Launchpad "Help" instructions also make brief mention, in part 8 
System Settings, yet again no clear explanation -

"You can also set screen saver details and background colour or image on 
systems supporting these facilities.  Play around with Colour Themes if 
you know about this facility and your system supports high colour".

Any further illumination on this ... ?

In addition I find that when the "gold theme", or any other is applied, 
from QCoCo, that Launchpad loses most of its pre-defined Application 
program icons - replaced by either a mouse pointer icon or CF9.

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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