>>> Takes forever copying microdrives! I'd forgotten! And this is with
>>> the wcopy command!
>> With qpac2 it is easy.
>> FORMAT ram1_mdv1_
>> This does a quick direct sector read and flags files that will not
>> copy.
>> Repeated use will often recover files.
> Wait. Did I forget a format command trick to clone carts?
It's not a clone command as such, it just tries to quickly duplicate a 
cartridge from mdv1 or mdv2 into a ramdisk. You'll need to manually 
wcopy everything to another blank cartridge or disk afterward (i.e. 
what I mean is it can't clone direct from mdv1_ to mdv2_ for example)

FORMAT RAM1_MDV1_  tries to copy all files from mdv1 into ram1.

FORMAT RAM1_MDV2_ tries to copy all files from mdv2 into ram1.

If the cartridge is good (i.e. no damaged files) it will usually copy 
everything in between 7 to 14 seconds (1 or 2 complete revolutions of 
the microdrive tape). Sometimes it will struggle a bit longer if it 
has problems, as Tony suggests it sometimes has more success than 
others, so if you get bad files indicated first time, it can be worth 
trying again.

Any files which are bad (damaged microdrive sectors) are flagged with 
an '*' by their filenames.

More information on Microdrive Imaging in the section of the Super 
Gold Card manual of that name, just after The Floppy Disk Driver And 
Ram Disks.

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