> Well ... erm ... I get Stiqqies to run, and when I press ENTER at 
> the
> end of a message it gives another version of Stiqqies, which is of
> course blank ..... not the actual Stiqqy popping up with a message 
> in
> it.
Eh? It must be misconfigured.

STIQQIES_OBJ (the main program) should execute STIQQY_OBJ. What 
STIQQIES_OBJ actually does is:

EXEP prog_name$;message$

(EXEP being the hotkey version of EX, used because it can start a 
thing as I tend to use STIQQY_OBJ as a thing installed via HOT_CHP)

prog_name$ is the program name configured into STIQQIES_OBJ.

The other thing that can happen is that when called int his way 
STIQQY_OBJ appears in a random position - the message can in theory 
hide behind the main program.

Seems a long winded way of writing a simple program, but if you want 
to write your own 'shell' for it all you have to do is something like:

INPUT note$

Someone who uses my QDiary suggested I added a time facility to it. In 
other words, the message doesn't appear until a given time if a time 
is specified. To me, that's too like the Alarm program, but if enough 
people ask...

> The other program Stiqqy works as a blank coloured "sticky" though.
> I like the random colour, nice use of the extended colour palette, 
> this
> could get addictive ... :-)
My fault for causing confusion with two programs with almost identical 

As for the colour, don't use random if you put a lot of messages on 
your screen, you need sunglasses!

> How about renaming it - "Stick-Q" or "Q-Stick" ... ?
Nah, I think STIQQIES is QooL ;-)

And STIQQIES has more Q's...

(2007 QL nerd-speak?)

> More to come in 2007, no doubt ?
Quite possibly...You have been warned ;-)

All the best, Malcolm.

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