On Fri, 02 Mar 2007 11:04:30 -0000, George Gwilt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 28 Feb 2007, at 16:56, Rich Mellor wrote:
>>>> Is there an easy way under QDOS to check which chip is in use -
>>>> if it
>>>> is a
>>>> 68000 or 68008 I would use 2 (or 4) MOVE.B commands instead?
>>>> SMSQ does
>>>> implement the processor in the system variables, but it is not
>>>> present
>>>> on
>>>> QDOS alas.
>>> Here is what smsqe does:
>>>     move    #$3700,sr     !!!!!!!!!
>>>     move.w  sr,d1
>>>     cmp.w   #$2700,d1                ; 68000?
>>>     beq.s   copy                     ; ... yes
>>>     move.w  #$2700,sr                ; ... no, reset to normal
>> OK I should implement a similar routine to this.  George also
>> provided a
>> solution, but this seems easier.
> The easiest way to distinguish between 68020+ and the others is:
>       MOVEM.L A7,-(A7)
>       CMPA.L          (A7),A7
>       ADDQ.L          #4,A7   ;Reset A7 and leave condition codes unaltered
>       BEQ             LOW     ;Not 68020+
> This method did not work on QPC2 until Marcel altered it. Of course
> now QPC2 is 68020+.
> To use either of these methods is OK with real 68xxx hardware (though
> the "sr" method does require to be carried out in supervisor mode).
> The trouble with emulators is that you need to be sure that "sr" or
> MOVEM.L quirks are programmed into the emulator.

You are right - this does not work on q-emulator - what quirk of movem.l  
is this actually using?
Daniele probably needs to make an amendment to get this to work.

The SR method does not work with smsq/e on q-emulator alas as Daniele has  
to trick smsq/e into thinking that the aurora is available.

> I thought it safer
> to try a real 68020+ instruction, such as BFTST, to check the type of
> machine. This is much more likely to be a proper test for an emulator.

Problem with this is the need to go through TRAPV - something I have long  
stayed clear of !!

Rich Mellor
RWAP Services

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