Tobias Fröschle wrote:
> Did I say already that QPC2 is the most enjoyable piece of software I
> bought in the last couple of years, already?

Thanks a lot :-)

For the people wondering where the new release is, there are multiple
problems currently that have attacked me at once. First my new job,
which leaves me with much less time (and even less inclination to
continue programming after 8 hours of software development every day),
then my main development laptop died some weeks ago and while I wanted
to transfer the work to my new company laptop I've been waiting for my
Visual Studio licence for that one for 6 weeks now... so everything
has stalled a bit, but I'll try to somehow get out a Beta soon.

While I'm writing anyway, some comments to another topic: of course
QXL.WIN files can fragment like pretty much all other file systems
(some more, some less, but basically all have the problem). But
QXL.WIN files are virtual anyway, so even if the data within the
drives is not fragmented, the Windows file still can be.

And it's all not that much of a problem because a typical QXL.WIN file
can usually fit into the whole RAM of a PC nowadays and thus the
buffering prevents any bigger performance impact. The only problem
there really is if the directories themselves get fragmented. In this
case a defragmenting can make sense.

As mentioned the only way to defragment a drive is by formating a new
one and copying everything over. The easiest way I know for that is
using the CueShell application, which can copy entire discs including
all sub-directories with two clicks.


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