----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dilwyn Jones" <>
To: "QL Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 8:18 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Any old iron.

>In a similar vein, if USB ever becomes a reality for us, USB pen
>drives are getting dirt
>cheap at the moment. cclonline.com advertised 1GB ones for just £5.99
>in Micro Mart fairly recently, for example (a very effective advert,
>showing the little pen drive alongside a big pile of 711 equivalent
>floppies!). Time to revive the idea of
>"QL On A Stick" again perhaps!

A forlorn hope. The last time this idea came up everyone was 
super-enthusiastic, but equally everyone had good reasons why they were the 
person not to do it. Things only get done when someone is prepared to get 
their hands dirty.

>Obviously, if USB hardware came along, things like this would need
>software drivers. I'd probably go as far as to suggest that these pen
>drives should get the first QL drivers! After all, many QLers did
>without hard disks and quite happily used an 8MB RomDisq!

Incidentally there was some discussion about this at the Quanta AGM, both in 
the formal meeting and in informal discussions.

If someone comes with a good reason for funding (a) USB software driver(s) 
and a good plan, I suspect they would get a sympathetic hearing from Quanta. 
We have people in the QL community who have the skills to write to driver, 
but the programming challenge seems to be a greater motivator than financial 

Another surprise announcement at the AGM was that Quanta has financed, by 
means of a loan, the manufacture of 200 keyboard membranes available from 
RWAP. I extracted a promise from the chairman that this would be publicised 
to non-members, but so far it has not been done.

Remember QL Today told you it first!

Best Wishes,


QL-Users Mailing List

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