> Dear New-house Norm. (...if I may address you thus ? ;-)
You may.

> I am well now... thank you.
I'm glad to hear it. You were starting to sound like me on one of my good days 
! :o)

> May you be happy in your new house.  [Should things get too hectic, try
> 'SLUG >25'!] (OT- c?)
SlowGold was better ;-)

> Regards to all - to those here who now help me with my
> English - and not forgetting those with ISP Tiscali sized current
> head-aches; of course.
Ah well, after recently posting that I would never change from Demon as my ISP, 
I have moved into a house that has no BT line. No BT = no Demon - damnation!

I now have Virgin Media aka NTLWorld broadband - allegedly at 10Mb (at least 
that what is says on the tin) but it doesn't seem like 10 Mb to me. Downloads 
at 40KB per second are not what I call broadband speeds! I feel a support call 
coming on.

In addition, my wife can no longer work from home as her work laptop doesn't 
want to connect via either the dial-up or the broadband settings - she's not 
happy I can tell you.

Plus, wireless doesn't work in the house from up to downstairs - there is a 
pre-stressed concrete floor between the two locations and it works splendidly 
as a RF filter - of the 'no-pass' variety. Oh hum !

> But especially to those who write contributive and helpful, joined-up stuff
> on this list.
I can't do joined up typing yet :o)


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