----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Tubbs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2007 2:56 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Testing (new email system) please ignore.

> BT are very cavalier, they buggered me around when Orange stopped my BBand
> through incompetance. Led to five weeks without coutesy of BT 
> incompetance.

I had lots of problems with BT when I went over to broadband in April. First 
they disconnected my telephone line when they enabled it for broadband. Then 
they (or the courier company) sent the router to the wrong address. Then 
when I ordered a wireless router they typed in the wrong code and said it 
was out of stock. Before it was all finally sorted out they sent me two of 
everything. However I now have a faultless and fast system.

>>A quick word with customer services
> I never had a quick one of those till I got through to "high level
> complaints", number from OFCOM.

My experience of customer services throughout this saga was very good. They 
were very sympathetic and helpful whenever I had to contact them. (Partly 
the reason  I got two routers and two wireless routers.) Technical help was 
50/50. One very thorough Indian girl who was a bit schocked when I asked to 
speak to her supervisor so that I could praise her good work. One idiot 
Indian man whose technical knowledge was less than mine.

My problem is not BT but Royal Mail. Out of 5 recorded delivery and 1 
special delivery letters sent this year they can prove delivery in only one 

  Best Wishes,


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