>> My wife's version of this is with the microwave oven and it is so 
>> silly I've never told it to anyone for fear of being ridiculed.

I've seen that loads of times.

Mind you, I wonder what they say about our 'funny' habits - assuming we 
actually have them of course.

>> When something's heating up in there, she *ALWAYS* stops it by 
>> opening the door, never by using the stop control. She then takes 
>> the food out ...

Maybe it's the 'oven' thing. An ordinary oven doesn't really worry if you shut 
the dorr with nothing in it, so when cooking it is normal to remove the food, 
shut the door and then turn it off. Maybe?

>> No matter how often everyone has 
>> told her, she seems totally incapable of curing that potentially 
>> dangerous habit. Yet she's *completely* obsessive about not 
>> leaving TV etc on standby.

Alison likes to grab food from the chopping board when I'm using my sharpest 
knives to cut it. Her mother does the same - so I know where she gets it.

>> Years ago on his farm, when a fuse blew my father would always put a 
>> piece of tin foil or a nail in a 13 amp plug until he bought a new 
>> fuse. He just couldn't understand that a fuse blew for a reason and he 
>> was just asking for trouble. Even as young children my brother and I 
>> would cringe every time he did it.

About the only time that baler twine couldn't fix the problem I suspect. My dad 
was of farming stock as well (sheep, pigs etc) but his electrical problem is 
red/green colour blindness. I've been wiring plugs for him since I was about 4 
- in those days live=red earth=green and you don't want to mess those up !

>> Yet, every day, many of us have new(ish) PCs and run QL emulators ( 
>>  >20 year old system) on them which is probably just as unexplainable 
>> to many ... (phew, back on topic).

A bit contrived there Dilwyn - must try harder next time.

The reason I run QPC on my PC is because we should alway stry to better 
ourselves, so I'm bettering my PC :o)

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