Hi Roy and everyone else,

Seems by general consensus that Next Year is a better option - had a few 
private mails on the subject too.

Now - When?

January or February? Very quiet over here then, so can get good room 
rates, and no problem with availability.



Roy wood wrote:
> I'm in - I just need a bit of notice. I do have a few courses booked in 
> November so I suppose next year is probably better.
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Darren Branagh - 
> Kingfisher Club <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>> Hi All,
>> Been thinking about this next Irish QL Alcoholics anonymous meeting
>> since Roy made the suggestion.
>> I know Roy said 5 or so will come, so who will and who won't?  And any
>> ideas as to when - sooner rather than later? I can probably hold it in
>> the Hotel where I work and get a decent room rate.
>> Sometime in mid to late November?  Any ideas?
>> Feedback please!
>> Darren.
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