Dilwyn Jones wrote:
> Ah, this looks very promising - thanks.
> I would welcome ideas for other simple facilities to include. It was a 
1) Please let the macro file be human-readable rather than a binary 
dump. Easy to hand alter and debug!

2) Next version to include mouse-clicks too, eh ;-) I can think of 
ways to read them, but not to stuff them back into the inter-face.

Regarding the other side of your project: what to do once youve 
recorded the data, I wrote a keyword that stuffs the keyboard queue. 
The syntax for STUFF is:

         STUFF -timeout% | code% | string$ [, -timeout% | code% | 
string$ ] * (optionally repeated)

         -timeout% is a negative integer from -1..-32k frames
         code%     is a character code from 0..255
         string$   is a qstring

It uses legal traps and is supposed not to get confused by you 
changing keyboard queue midways.. You can find a copy on my website 
under Programs/Utilities/LX2. The zip file contains the STUFF_bin 
toolkit. Let me know if you can use it, with or without some modification.

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