Wolfgang Lenerz wrote:
> I've typed this entire message in QD under QPC/Wine, then copied it to
> the scrap and ctrl-c'd it into the mail prog.

Good to know that it works for you. They are rewriting the graphics
part and I still got a problem with it on my desktop, but I've
submitted a but report and the last version I used (0.9.50) was almost
there. Am compiling 0.9.52 right now so I might be able to run some
tests tomorrow.

This specific problem will probably not concern any of you because it
has to do with the fact that the only computer around here running
Linux is my server and that is a fairly old one, designed for minimal
power consumption instead of being up-to-date (hardware wise).

All in all the energy might really be better spend improving Wine than
trying to port QPC. I've been doing that every once in a while when I
find the time.


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