In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dilwyn Jones 

>Quite correct (ahem) I'd forgotten the romdisq was there :-(

OK ... I am glad that you found the source ... :-)

>The hard disk is dead though. It won't reformat via the qubide, though
>I haven't tried installign it elsewhere yet. I haven't tried Norman's
>suggestion of dropping it though.... will no doubt resurface to report
>on that one soon!

With the hard drive installed a light tap - reasonable force, though not 
as drastic as dropping it - on the drive can work to "unstick" the head.

There seems to be an electro-magnetic "sticking point" that develops on 
some hard drives over time.

I have one such drive on an old WIN95 machine.

Also, try it on another computer machine if you can.

Or use one of those external IDE connectors to a PC.

Sometimes, just the process of taking out the IDE connector and the 
power cable; and then reattaching can have an effect.

( Just check that the IDE connector is the right way, if it not keyed ).

If you do get it working, you can then recover the stored information to 
another device.

Once the data is not precious, you can then go on to either using it 
with caution, or try reformatting and reinstalling software.

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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