I just give a try using Daniele Terdina's Q-Emulator where the SuperBasic 
program gived on my previous
Email works properly.

So I have now my answer : QL2K need to be modified to support second screen.

Thanks Tony,


-----Message d'origine-----
De : [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] De la part de QL2K
Envoyé : dimanche 27 avril 2008 14:59
Objet : Re: [Ql-Users] Need some information on Dual Screen and Minerva ROM.

Ok, my head hurt  ;-)

This modes are only usuable by JOBS ? Or can I test something with superbasic 
too ?

What I try is something like this :
10 MODE 16650,-1
  (This goes to a full black screen)
15 OPEN #3,SCR_512x256a0x0
  (Try to open a full screen windows on second screen)
16 INK #3,7
  (Force ink just in case)
17 PRINT #3, "Hello"
20 A$=INKEY$(-1)
30 MODE 112,-1

With this, just before typing a key I just got a full black screen.

Does I have to made a try with poking after &h28000 ?



-----Message d'origine-----
De : [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] De la part de Tony Firshman
Envoyé : dimanche 27 avril 2008 14:36
Objet : Re: [Ql-Users] Need some information on Dual Screen and Minerva ROM.

QL2K wrote:
> Hi all,
> I asking to myself how to use second screen using Minerva mainly to check if 
> QL2K works properly with this second
> screen.
> Can you please give me some details like SuperBasic commands to use this 
> second screen ?
> Thanks in advance,
 From the manual:
MODE now allows you to use both screens. The original one-parameter call 
is exactly as before. The new form is:

MODE screen_mode,display type

Screen mode accepts the normal 4, 8, etc, but with a few additions (see 
below). Display_type is simple, 0 for monitor, I for 625-line TV, and 2 
for 525-line TV, or (usually) -ito leave the display type alone. Very 
little software uses the display type record, as old versions of 
SuperBASIC smashed it!

Screen_mode is very complex...
The two screens are known as ScreenO and Screeni. Each screen may be in 
4-colour mode or 8-colour mode, or blank. Each job now has a "default" 
screen on which any new windows will be opened - it can change this 
default to have windows open in both screens. The screen which is not the
default for the current job (the one calling the new MODE) is the 
"other" screen. Note that is is not necessarily the case that the 
defaUlt screen for a job is the same one the user is looking at (the 
displayed" screen).

Oh, and the user can’t necessarily see the displayed screen, it might be
blank. Your head hurt yet?

MODE 64+n, -1

toggles various attributes of the display, where:
        n       Toggles...
        1       other screen from visible to blank
        2       default screen from visible to blank
        4       other screen from 4-colour to 8-colour
        8       default screen from 4-colour to 8-colour
        16      displayed screen from Screen0 to Screeni
        32      default screen from Screen0 to Screeni

You can add together the various values for n to combine effects, so
n=12=8+4 will toggle the colour modes of both screens. Note: a change to
the default screen takes place before any of the others. Also, none of these
calls do the “forced re-draw” imposed by the one-parameter version of the
MODE call.


MODE -16384+128+k*n+c, -1
sets or resets display attributes. The values of n are as above.
        k       Sets...
        o ...   to the “from” column above
        1 ...   to the “to” column above
        257     toggles, as above

Values of k can’t be combined. The c portion controls which screen is force
        c       Re-draws...
        -16384  other screen
        32768   default screen

You can add the c values to re-draw both screens.

        MODE 80, -1     toggles the “displayed” screen (80=64+16)
        MODE 96, -1     makes subsequent VPENs happen on what was
                the “other” screen (96=64+32)
        MODE 112 ,-1.   does both the above simultaneously
        MODE 16560,-1   sets default to Screeni, displays it in 4-colour
                mode, and force re-draws all windows in it
                (16560=16384+128+1 (32+1 6)+32768)


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