Morning everyone - well, it is here!

Those of you following (or skipping over) my assembly articles in QL Toady 
will know that I'm deep in the bowels of Pointer programming and about to 
start on the WMAN vectors very soon.

One thing I'm aware of is that my documentation is quite out of date - I 
have the QPTR toolkit docs only and as an example, the details of the 
Pointer Record and event vectors are quite sparse - the last article being 
a case in point, I've had corrections and updates sent to me by George on 
the matter.

I'm wondering if there is a more up to date version of the docs available 
so that I can at least start off by 'teaching' people from the current docs
 instead of something that is many many years old.

What I have in my collection of docs is as follows :

Pennell - QDOS Companion.
Merz - QDOS Dcoumentation.
Tebby - QDOS Docs 1.03 ( I think).
Dickens - Advanced QDOS User Guide.
Tebby - QPTR toolkit documentation.

I don't mind paying for upgrades etc where they are up to date and 

Plus, permission to use it on the website would 
be nice too!

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