In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Massimiliano Pugno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes


Worth a look at adding some extra hardware to your existing QL ... and get back to using it again.

Also, try the QL Emulators ... look up on the www.


I'm a new user in this list, and I would like two drop a few lines to say hello. I'm italianĀ  (40 y.o) and I used my QL extensively at the university (for two dimensional array calculus, as a sort of matlab). I rememer spending countless hours on SuperBasic inĀ  that wonderful, pioneering era.
I still have my QL, even if, at the moment is unused.
I do hope to have the time, in the future, to take it out and to put it back to work.


P.S. I apologize about my mistakes in English ;-)

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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