In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Andy Barber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

Pentuim 1' s are fine for this use ... although P2's and P3's are even better, as Linux likes RAM and speed too.

UQLx may be the way to go to try and link up with TCP/IP.

In theory, a network could be set in this way.

Has any succeeded with this approach ?

Thanks to all who have replied to this thread.

I have decided that I'll get my old Pentium 1 computer out of my Lock-up, Format the HD, Install Ubuntu Linux, & emulate the QL on that machine. I have the QL Emulators' CD, which has TK2 on it, has it also got Minerva on the CD as well?

Now what I would like to know is how does QDOS/SuperBasic interface with the Linux TCP/IP ports, are their any Internet related QL programs existing, (Browser, Mail, News, RSS, FTP, etc.)?

Andy Barber

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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