Norman Dunbar wrote:

Paul Holmgren wrote:

Highly amusing wonder who and what it was all about, I think we should be told!


FROM   "Rupert Goodwins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 1999/10/26

this is about all I know at this time

part of the thread follows

Well, bear in mind that Derby was the code name for the Spectrum 128 --
there are a few things about that fine beast in the file too.

As for other files: I'm afraid the intellectual property on anything of
interest belongs to people other than myself.


Duncan Snowden          
On Tuesday, Rupert Goodwins wrote:
> Crisp abuse is an anagram of SuperBASIC Anon. See? Crisps are *on*-topic. :-) -- Duncan Snowden.

From: Duncan Snowden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 1999/10/27
Subject: Re: A little piece of Sinclair history...

On Tuesday, Rupert Goodwins wrote:

> Crisp abuse is an anagram of SuperBASIC       Anon.

See? Crisps are *on*-topic. :-)

Duncan Snowden.


Arnould Nazarian        
Date: 1999/10/27
Subject: Re: A little piece of Sinclair history...

>As for other files: I'm afraid the intellectual property on anything of
>interest belongs to people other than myself.


OK, but is there something else?


Paul Holmgren
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