In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Andy Barber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

Hi Andy,

Not to worry, it can happen to us all ... :-)

What I could do now is to check around hire of the Hall that we use for the Group, and see if it is free on the Sunday morning for the next meeting - as a one-off.

I will let you know about this.

Regarding the Minerva ROM, Tony Firshman is the person to contact.

If you are interested in any spare QL's, let me know.

Also, disk drives, monitors, and other bits and pieces for the QL are in the London Groups varied collection.

As well as manuals, books, etc.

... for the 12-10-08 meeting! :-(

I have an AH QL but want the last Minerva ROM, (not the weather station gizmo.)

TK2 + flp_ drive.


Andy Barber
T: +44 20 8402 3385 ~ M: +44 791 883 4739 ~ F: +44 705 069 5845.

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