I once wrote a SB program that converted a program I found in a magazine, that 
made a word square. I was working as a Trade Union* Officer & it was election 

The program I wrote took as it's input, all the names on Left-wing slate.

I made sure that the first name (from the slate) nominated by each Branch, 
started in the first line of the word square.

Thank you QL.

I then wrote a WordStar program, to get it all printed out correctly, using the 
multiple QL outputs.

It was used by about twenty five other union Branches. (All Branches used 
WordStar then, as M$ Word didn't exist then! Also I had to post a 3.5" floppy 
to them, as we didn't have the internet then!)

We got a Left-wing landslide in that election!

I haven't learnt how to do Word Macro's, as the language doesn't look right. 
(But what am I complaining about, if I learnt in a few weeks how to get 
WordStar to format the text correctly?)

* Oh! It's (now) the CWU (Telecom side.)

Andy Barber
T: +44 20 8402 3385 ~ M: +44 791 883 4739 ~ F: +44 705 069 5845.

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