There was a comprehensive Library Guide inside the old style QUANTA Welcome Pack which was in a black A5 loose leaf ring binder (with "QUANTA" lettered in silver on the outside).

I have a spare one dated 1992 which I can send to Dilwyn tomorrow if he thinks that this is what he wants.
This might be useful, yes please send it.

I also have a copy of the current LibGuide disk LG01 taken from the library master disk earlier today which I could include.
Yes please, I can then check the current libguide against the one on the CD to see if there's any changes done since 2006.

The printed list was for historical reasons more than anything, rather than anything to do with the present library. Like John Taylor, I think I've thrown my original Quanta introductory folder away

I'd still like to get hold of one of the original paper printouts from c. 1985/1986 issued by Rob Sherratt, Alan Bartram et al. if you happen to find one.
Dilwyn Jones

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