The first thing I do is remove the paper from the input tray. Then cancel the print job in Windoze. Then switch the printer on and off until its print buffer has emptied. Eventually all parts of the chain error out or give up in exhaustion. The details depend on your OS version, printer and setup, of course.

Its a horrible business. Cant think why M$ and the printer makers havent been able to find a solution to this in all these years, but I suppose they dont really mind: Our pain is their gain.


Dilwyn Jones wrote:
I accidentally started an enourmous SDUMP printout from QPC and can't stop it!

I've used PAR_ABORT and PAR_CLEAR in QPC2 and tried deleting the print job in 
Windoze. No joy - it looks like Winodze will only stop it at the end of the 
print job. Closing down Windoze and switching off the printer just makes it 
resume when the computer's restarted.

I forgot I was sending an SDUMP print for Epsons to a HP printer which ain't Epson 
compatible. So it prints every byte of "graphics" data as text, about 2 or 3 
characters per page. At this rate the house will be buried in paper. Anyone know how to 
force Windoze to stop???

Help! (Put Windoze on pause for now, but it will stop anything else printing 
until I can clear it)

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