Hi are you running QPC2 from a limited account. If so this is the behaviour 
that I experience with windows XP

& QPC2 3.33 & smsqe 3.13 with a limited windows account that is not an 
administrator account




-----Original Message-----
From: Billy <bill.wa...@btinternet.com>
To: ql-us...@q-v-d.com
Sent: Sun, 15 Feb 2009 18:06
Subject: [Ql-Users] lost files


Just noticed this - I'm using QPC 3.34 beta 3  smsqe 3.13?

I can save a file to Win1_ and access it again but if I closes QPC down 
then restart it the file is no longer there = MS strikes again?

Any help welcome?


Ok I download QOC2 again to make sure I did not have a demo version - no 

Tried saving to Win7_ ( windows I: drive )that is a plug in HD that 
plugs into a socket on the top of the  (Medion) computer, this works !?

Had a look at the "properties" of the Win file (Win1_ on C: drive,) the 
properties box has an additional tab compared to the properties of the 
win file on I:drive, the extra tab is "security" and allows various 
states of control for different user, also the win file on the I: drive 
has me as the owner the win file on the C: drive has administrator as 
the owner.?

I have tried changing the settings without much success, also files get 
lost on the Floppy drive if I use it.?

Simple solution is just to set Win1_ to the I drive.?

Seems like a vista thing, must just keep trying I guess?

All the besst - Bill?


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