In message <>, Rich Mellor
<> writes
Hi Rich,
I haven't used a Qubide, yet it must be able to write to a PC fromatted
hard drive, as it is usually saving to a QXL.WIN file, when operating in
QL mode.
I assume, also, that it can "see" the DOS file headers too.
Then, again, it depends what software capability is within the Qubide
Is any one else using a Qubide ? To help with these queries.
The other thing is that QubIDE will not read/write to a PC formatted
hard disk - it has to be in QL format, which QPC2 cannot read (or
correct me if I am wrong)
Dilwyn Jones wrote:
Many thanks for your reply.
I have Omega installed on QPC2 using XP no problems. If I could get
it to
work on my aurora I would be able backup my harddisk easier than using
floppies and if needed I could copy larger files from one machine to the
At the moment I have Omega connected to the Aurora in the printer
lead but
Qubide is not picking it up.
This is why I asked if it was IDE, parallel, or USB Iomega drive.
ONLY the IDE version will work on your QL with Qubide. There are no
for a parallel port version, even if the parallel printer connector
supported bidirectional working. Sorry, but if it works through the
port on your PC it doesn't stand a chance of working on the QL.
The IDE type I mentioned should connect via the hard disk connector
on the
QUBIDE interface.
Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List