
Does anyone have mode 32 sprites that they would not mind sending me off list. 

I am finishing a modernising upgrade of an old icon editor program which is now 
capable of the editing of QL mode 4, mode 16, mode 33, mode 32, mode 64 sprites 
plus bmp images in 32,24,16,8 and 4 bit formats plus QL pic mode 33 and mode 
32, plus QL mode 4 _asm files created by the QPTR toolkit. Saved output is mode 
64 sprites or bmp 24 bit. Colour palette contains 4096 colours from any of the 
full 16bit colour palette. Palettes can also be saved and reused. The program 
is also theme and home directory aware and can be used via FI2 to load sprites.

I have all the various formats from various PD QL web sites except mode 32. I 
would appreciate if you could let me have access to any mode 32 sprites to 
ensure that I have the program to read the data correctly.

If anyone would like an alpha version of the program to look at I am happy to 
send off list.



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