Nuts!!! That last post was for Jochen alone, not the list! Goofed on the 
addressing. Don't know a "withdraw" command.

Doug LaVerne 37830 USA

-----Original Message-----
>From: SMSQ <>
>Sent: Apr 9, 2009 4:45 PM
>Subject: [Ql-Users] SMSQ.J-M-S.COM pointing to something else
>Hi everybody on the list,
>I received an email from a QLer this afternoon, being surprised and
>worried that points to my shareware services.
>Actually, ALL my subdomains of are pointing to the main
>index.htm ... I have had my provider putting an SSL certificate
>over and it seems, while doing this, all subdomains
>got changed as well.
>hold the contents of
>so you can get to it if you want, but I hope it will be fixed
>very, very soon.
>(Previously, I only had an SSL certificate for j-m-s.DE ... so
>order and contact and everything went to j-m-s.DE). However, I
>would like to have things "properly" divided and set up, so I bought a 
>certificate for .COM as well.
>So, no need to worry, I haven't given up QLing suddenly and I do
>not plan to do so!!!
>Cheers   Jochen
>Jochen Merz Software - Kaiser-Wilhelm-Str. 302 - D-47169 Duisburg
>    Tel. +49-(0)203-502011      Fax +49-(0)203-502012
>    Email:       Homepage: http://SMSQ.J-M-S.COM
>QL-Users Mailing List

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