
regarding the error message:

There was a small bug in the test - it tested for QPC, not SMSQ/E.
That is fixed - I have just uploaded QMENU 8.02 to the JMS update
server - so it's there for free download for all registered users.

Best regards    Jochen

Francois Lanciault wrote:

I just update my old SMSQ/E (thanks Bruce) to version 3.13 but I have a few problems.

First, the menu_rext extension (that is included on the disk) wont load giving the very surprising message...

"This menu_rext release is only licensed for use on SMSQ/E"

... considering that I am running SMSQ/E. (Checked just after the error message using ver$ = "HBA" and ver$(1) = "3.13")

The other problem I have is with the option to move the whole window when dragging with the mouse. The problem is that the window will only move up when I move the mouse up but will remain stationary if I move the mouse in any other directions. The mouse works fine otherwise. The mouse is an Atari mouse attached to the QIMI port of my Aurora board. The same problem exist on Minerva + the latest Wman & Ptr_gen.

After more experimentation, I noticed that it is in fact possible to move the window in all direction IF I move the mouse very vigourously. And I mean VERY vigourously. Even, doing that will make the window move a tiny bit where it would be supposed to move all the way across the screen. Again, moving up is smooth and fast. I cannot check if the same problem occurs with a serial mouse as I don't have a compatible mouse anymore.

I have not finished updating my setup, I might have other questions or problem to report later.



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