Hi everybody on the list,

I just wanted to report that the production of issue 1 of volume 14 is advanced ... it includes an exclusive Tony Tebby QL story which will be a feature of the whole of volume 14... so don't miss it!

If you have not renewed yet, you can do so using our pdf form:

You can also renew on the Quo Vadis website.

Of course, new subscribers are welcome as well!

We plan to have the issue ready in less than a months time, so expect it to be shipped around the 20th of September - if you have renewed in time.

Cheers   Jochen

Jochen Merz Software - Kaiser-Wilhelm-Str. 302 - D-47169 Duisburg
   Tel. +49-(0)203-502011      Fax +49-(0)203-502012
   Email: s...@j-m-s.com       Homepage: http://SMSQ.J-M-S.COM

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