Darren Branagh wrote, On 7/09/09 14:28:
Hi All,

Yes - I'm still alive and still using a QL, when I can find the time.
Its been an eventful couple of years to say the least. With hyper
kids, and unemployment being a large feature :(

Myself and Steve Reyal (of QL DVD) are debating driving over from
London to Lucerne. So, any cheap hotel deals would be welcome.
Dilwyn and Ann are at http://www.villamaria.cz/english.htm and Simon Goodwin and I could well be there too. It is one of the Urs recommended ones.
No idea though how near to the show.
Beware. The prices if you book via the ql-mac-show site link (Tourist Board) are very significantly higher.
At Villa Maria, a room costing £51 per night is £85 on the official site.
Myself, and particularly Steve, are rather big Mac users as well,
In what sense do you use the word 'big' (8-)#

it has a dual interest for us both.

If we bring the car, we have several classic macs we can bring - A
SE30, Classic, Quadra, Plus, G3 Imac, G4 Tower, and my 17" Powerbook
and steves shiny new Intel Macbook (which runs windows Vista better
than my Compaq PC Laptop).
Yes indeed. I have a Macbook pro 2.6 dual-core that runs Windows XP faster under VMware than on my old Tosh 2.2 dual core, and more reliably.
Having moved to Mac there is *nothing* that would pull me away.
Everything just *works*.
A classic example is my T-mobile Huawei stick - look at the bottom of the thread.

... but there are hosts of other examples.
Not to mention the QL side of things.....!!!  We Still have an Amstrad
ALT286 with a QXL in it, and we will probably have copies of the QL
DVD (take a free look on youtube), Not to mention some hardware and


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   TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

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