> We have been busy this summer trying to save as many 
> commercial QL titles as possible to ensure the continued 
> future of the QL.
> We have managed to get most of the software from microdrive 
> onto a PC in a format for use with Q-emuLator in the main, 
> although it does help us to make fresh working copies on 
> microdrives and disks.  The idea behind this, is to ensure 
> those users who have an original copy, but cannot get it to 
> load anymore, will be able to purchase a working copy on disk 
> or microdrive, or for use with Q-emuLator from our website 
> (provided that they can prove ownership of the original program).
> As part of this work, we are also updating the QL Wiki to 
> include more information on the software, hardware, books and 
> traders that have been around since 1984.  We would welcome 
> more input into the traders and personalities section in 
> particular if anyone knows the history of any of the software 
> and development houses (however short lived!).
> The QL Wiki appears at: http://www.rwapadventures.com/ql_wiki
> Lots of work to do in updating the software details, but we 
> hope that this will address one of the main issues when 
> people talk about the Sinclair QL - namely they are uncertain 
> what software was produced for it!!

Your QL Wiki and software rescue projects are a good initiative
to preserve the QL.

Are you aware of this:

Wish: Any software which has been released from the rightholders
should be downloadable in the web. Maybe the download stuff could
all be on Dilwyn's pages and the QL Wiki just pointing there.

I'm still working on my "Sinclair QL Preservation Project" (SQPP),
mainly in scanning QL documents. My goal is to publish PDF's and
JPG's some day (maybe to be launched at the QL-Mac-Show).


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