On 27 Oct 2009, at 12:47, Marcel Kilgus wrote:

gdgqler wrote:
The highest allowed is 2560x1920. However, I now can't reproduce the
"limit" message.

Ah, I see that I've limited the SMSQ/E config block item to 2048x2048,
I guess my configuration dialog check these limits automatically, too.
In my defense, I did write that block in times where 800x600 was
considered normal. ;-) This can easily be changed if you like.

I would be happy myself with a 2048x2048 limit. I suppose I was just testing that some of my programs actually take whatever size is presented without limit (except of course ram size). Perhaps others might want an even bigger limit for QPC2!

When I try again to get SHIFT/CTRL/F12 to work it does so perfectly
well. I think that any fault is very unlikely then to be due to QPC2.
However, if I find more peculiarities I'll report.

Getting this to work reliably was a nightmare anyway. Now a further
problem seems to be that programs that do fullscreen like QPC seem to
become less and less common and graphics drivers get worse and worse
in their support. At least that's my feeling.

But in the times of LCD screens it's becoming less and less useful
anyway, as they only look good in their native resolution.

The SHIFT/CTRL/F12 has looked pretty good everywhere except on a Windows 98 system for some reason.

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