Gerhard Plavec wrote:
> Can you or someone else do the same with some S*BASIC lines reading a
> file down the TCP/IP stack or connection ?
> Something like :
> COPY "" TO ram1_some_file_from_internet

Unfortunately it's not as simple as that. In order to get a page from
an HTTP server, you have to "speak" the HTTP protocol. You want more
something like that:

100 OPEN_IN#3,""
110 PRINT#3,"GET / HTTP/1.1"
120 PRINT#3,"User-Agent: QPC browser"
130 PRINT#3,"Accept: */*"
140 PRINT#3,"host:"
150 PRINT#3
160 REPeat
170   INPUT#3,a$:PRINT a$
180 END REPeat

(Took out of my own mail to ql-users 3 years ago. I don't have more
like that either)

> Perhaps someone can make a "copy/paste" of the part of doc of uQLx
> explaining this point
> Or at least give me a link where I can find the uQLx doc

The official uQLx docu seems to have gone the way of the Dodo. I put
up a mirror copy on


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