Rich Mellor wrote, On 1/04/10 10:11:

Actually, replacing the JS ROMs by a Minerva allowed the QL with trump card to start up but it only reported 640K in the end (after displaying the huge numbers on screen) so I guess there is a memory fault on the Trump Card. Odd that it started fine on my QL...

Minerva with just the standard QL did not report any errors, so we know it is the Trump Card.

Is there a way of interpreting the numbers displayed by Minerva to ascertain which chip is faulty? Possibly not as the numbers seem to be different every time!

Download the utilities disk ( and lrun memory_bas - I think that is the one. .... but that is for the standard QL. I forget whether it gives any info about expansions.

It is so long since I thought about such things. I will RTFM when I get home.

You must have Phil Borman's Trump Card (8-)#


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