Dilwyn Jones wrote, on 3/Jun/10 14:17 | Jun3:
Dilwyn Jones wrote, on 3/Jun/10 13:32 | Jun3:
Please don't try to use the Message Form facility on my website at
moment. The  email forwarding is broken and 123-reg are being less
than helpful at the moment in trying to find out why it doesn't

You could temporarily change the email address.  I haven't used the
form, but I assume the email address is hidden in the code on site.

Hmmm, it's all set to the list of settings you gave me originally. The
email worked for months OK and stopped working without settings
changes. Now they say that @ CNAME should be removed, which goes
directly against what you told me in your early emails about this.
Hmm, the email now works, now my website can no longer be accessed after following the 123-reg advice, Tony.

Annoyingly, 123-reg give good help files on the simple matters you wouldn't need help on but NOTHING on setting DNS.

Sorry about this everyone, this would go down when poor Tony is away!

Not away yet. CNAME is needed for the dns redirect. Without that your site is hosted by 123-reg! I think they must be talking nonsense, as the following is exactly what a number of sites I host on 123 use, and email re-direction works for them:

 Name            Type          Content
@                       A
@                  CNAME    tfs.firshman.co.uk
www                  A
www             CNAME    tfs.firshman.co.uk


QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:257/67) +44(0)1442-828255
       t...@firshman.co.uk     http://firshman.co.uk
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    TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

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