Am 13.06.2010 um 15:01 schrieb gdgqler:

On 13 Jun 2010, at 13:43, Anton Preinsack wrote:

More possibilities (please not, that I am aware, that this is wishful thinking): A "original" QL with some addons (and maybe with additional Sinclair spectrum-compatibility) in a FPGA (like the Minimig in the Amiga-scene) for the Retro-Fans or a Coldfire- based board (there are ready to use evaluation-boards) with SMSQE or QDOS as solution for "power"-users. I know that the Coldfire- CPU isnĀ“t 100% compatible with the 68k, so we would need some adaptation on the software-side.

Already GWASS can assemble Coldfire instructions.

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