
After some more experimentation, it does seem to be an issue with the Windows 7 drivers when trying to format DD disks. I have even installed a Virtual XP Machine, running under Windows 7 - it does not even include support to read the A drive natively - you have to make a small change to the configuration file - see http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en/w7itprovirt/thread/62f8eaf1-23f9-497e-a431-f4a1ad643d38

With that done, QPC2 formats a HD disk without too many problems (albeit very slowly).

However, put in a DD disk, and you still get the initial spinning of the disk, followed by a long pause and then final spinning and format failed.

Presumably because the Virtual machine still relies on the Windows 7 drivers to access the disk!

What a shame..

However, what it does not explain is why unplugging the USB drive and plugging it back in sometimes works...

Rich Mellor
RWAP Services


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