In message <memo.20100618202512.12...@cave612>, Christopher Cave <> writes

Hi Chris,

Good ...Pleased to hear that you are still Meeting as a Group ..... :-)

Malcolm knows very well that I am still alive, so perhaps he ought not to
be quite so definite about the alleged demise of the Surrey group. Yes,
we are reduced in numbers but we do still meet about once a month on a
Wednesday evening. We are coy about where since it depends on the
generosity of a non-computer related club - should anyone want to come
they would need to contact us via Ken Bain (see relevant Quanta page).

Christopher Cave

-------- Original Message --------

*From:* Malcolm Cadman <>
*Date:* Fri, 18 Jun 2010 19:32:26 +0100


Following this up.

It is clear that the last two on this list  - 7- Surrey and 8 - Sussex
- no longer operate.

Can anyone confirm the operation of numbers 1, 2, and 6 on the list ?

As George contributes regularly to this list, he can confirm the details
for number 5.

1 - West Midlands - Meets at the Bull, 1 Price Street, Birmingham.
Meet 1st and 3rd Monday of each month, members pay £1 a Meeting.
24 times a Year ?

2 - Dorset - No described location.
Meet on the second Sunday of every month, no cost indicated.
12 times a Year ?

3 - London - School Room, Welsh Congregational Chapel, London SE1.
Meet second Sunday of each month - 10 times a Year.
Now changing over to 8 times a Year in 2010.

4 - North-East Manchester - 181 Urmston Lane, Stretford, Manchester.
Meet last Thursday of each month, except December.
11 times a Year.

5 - Scottish - George Gwilt's home.
Meet second Sunday of every month.
12 times a Year ?

6 - Solent - Botley Market Hall.
Meet first Saturday of every month.
12 times a Year ?

7 - Surrey - No venue announced.
Meet last Wednesday of every month, except December.
11 times a Year ?

8 - Sussex - No venue announced.
No meeting place.
? times a Year.

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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