JJ Ruiz wrote, on 21/Aug/10 10:47 | Aug21:

I have a superHermes and I think it has some pins broken. Anyone can send a 
high quality photo for comparison? How many pins should be entering the 8049 

Just look and see which have pins (or remains) soldered on - there is one that has no pin/solder and should not be connected. It is possible, of course, the pcb pad has been broken off. Look for signs of the missing pad on the pcb. The way to repair is to de-solder the broken pins. Then cut off complete turned pins from a socket. These should be placed in the appropriate holes of another socket, and the new pins can be soldered. Use a low wattage iron, preferably with a 1mm bit or similar.

If you have pins/pads broken off from the pcb, of course connection will be more difficult. Do all the pins with good pads first (as above). Then solder thin mica-insulated patch wire to the end of the pcb track(s). Put the relevant pins in the template and fit to sH. Then solder the patch wire(s) to the relevant pin(s ) and fix with carpenter's hot glue. Do not use anything more solid, as that will be non-removable.

When you have done that, use the socket you just used as a template as a piggyback when you fit sH. That way you will only break pins on the socket!


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