Am 05.10.2010 20:09, schrieb Petri Pellinen:
Thanks, I actually had some 720k disks from way back so didn't have to
use the tape trick.

I salvaged yet another floppy drive from one of the old carcasses at
the office and this one actually works! It seems that the cumana
interface is very finicky about the kind of drive it talks to (which
is totally understandable for a board from the 80's).

So it seems that pin 16 indeed is "motor on" on the cumana interface
and the problem was not the pinout.

I don't know what the moral of the story is but I'm a happy
floppy-drive using qler :)

Thanks to everyone for tips and suggestions!

Best regards,

I don't know the Cumana disk I/F, but remember I had to play around with FLP_SPEED and FLP_STEP with some newer drive I salvaged from an old PC. Probably you can get your other drives to work using FLP_SPEED, FLP_STEP and FLP_TRACK - provided your interface supports those commands.

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