Hey people, has anyone come across any articles or information that allows the 
use of the line or circle command that draws to the screen accurately accoding 
the known dot resolution?

Let me explain

Say you have a maximum screen of 1280w800h, and a window#1 of 1280x800x0x0

Using a SCALE command of 800,0,0 allows drawing a line from 0 to 768 that 
reaches from the bottom to the top accurately but the x value is way off screen 
drawing to 1280

I have my own formulae for an x multiplication factor that seems to work well 
making squares appear square on the screen and circles appear circular on the 
screen as well, but not being a mathematics person my formulae is not very 
scientific and I have yet to check it on larger screens where any errors would 
be magnified. 

It seems however to work on standard QL screen of 512x256 well. I was just 
wondering before I explore any further if anyone else had writen anything on it 
or if anyone had any comments?

Many thanks Lee Privett
Sent from my Laptop running XP
but emulating the QL using QPC2
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